18 Genre Books Perfect For New Adult Readers

Robert Carnes
6 min readOct 4, 2023

I’ve personally always been an avid reader. You can see my previous posts about reading diversity, top books, or Kindle Unlimited for evidence of that. Books are my jam, and I’m constantly reading at least one — if not multiple.

However, I realize not everyone is like me. Plenty of people don’t have time or interest to read for pleasure. They were forced to read books in high school and then lost interest once they had the freedom to choose for themselves.

Thankfully, I’ve spoken with several people recently who are rediscovering a passion for reading. They have more free time and realize that not every book is boring. As a dedicated bibliophile, this excites me and makes me eager to suggest all of the best books to these (relatively) new readers.

Recommending good books to a friend is worthwhile, but it also depends on their interests. After a conversation with a friend, I began brainstorming the best books for him to try in a wide variety of genres. I thought I’d share that same list with anyone else diving into a new love for books.

How I Chose This Reading List

Here’s a little of how I picked out my highly unscientific, non-comprehensive list:

  • I only chose books that I’ve personally read before.



Robert Carnes

Communicator. Innovator. Storyteller. Author of several books, including The Story Cycle.