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That Church Conference 2019: Day 2 Notes
7 min readSep 20, 2019
How to Reach More People in Less Time
Dave Adamson | North Point Ministries
- The church isn’t declining—it’s decentralizing
- The future of the church needs to be omnichannel
- This means using online and offline communications together
- We can connect with people during the other 167 hours per week
- Zero moment of truth: right before people make a decision
- 85% of people use YouTube every day
When life gets complicated, people turn to YouTube for answers - Most churches are set up to fail on YouTube
It’s not a video storage site—it’s a search engine - Keyword titles: word or phrase matching what people are searching for
- Optimize videos so that they show up in people’s searches
- The average video length is 4:20—not a 35-minute sermon
- Repurpose on purpose—cut longer videos into clips
- Take time to respond to comments on your YouTube videos
How Culture Changes Messaging
Jen Miles
- A vanguard is a group leading the way to new ideas