12 Artists Who Immaginatively Illustrate Ideas

Robert Carnes
5 min readFeb 20, 2024

The world is full of complicated ideas. Thankfully, the world is also (slightly less) full of people who can express those big ideas using beautiful drawings and doodles.

I’ve long admired many of these people and just discovered a few more. So I thought I’d compile a list of the illustrators and artists who I follow that fit into this unclear and broad category.

UPDATE: I continue to find new people to add to this list since it was originally published. Feel free to comment if you know someone relevant who isn’t included here.

1. XKCD (Randall Munroe)

A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.

XKCD has been around for years with incredibly smart comics about science, technology, and silly pop culture things. The creator is a former NASA physicist and he’s created a few books answering crazy questions using science and comics. Oh, and the name is not an acronym that stands for anything — just random letters.

2. Liz Fosslein

Expert on emotions at work and bestselling author



Robert Carnes

Communicator. Innovator. Storyteller. Author of several books, including The Story Cycle.